Monday, July 28, 2014

The Knocked-Up Fitness Guide to Pregnancy by Erica Ziel

     Okay, let's face it----you may not feel like running a marathon, let alone walking up the street right now, but maintaining a regular exercise routine during your pregnancy can help you to stay on a healthy track.  The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists recommend at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day on most if not all days during the week, unless you have a medical and/or pregnancy complication.  However, according to research published by the March of Dimes, as many as three quarters of women having a healthy pregnancy don't do enough exercise.  The adaption of a daily exercise program, with first consulting with your physician, may even assist with preventing complications such as pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes.  By staying active during your pregnancy through exercise, the March of Dimes also explains that you can reap other numerous health benefits, including:

  1. Backaches, pelvic pain, constipation and fatigue can be reduced.
  2. Maintaining a healthy weight.
  3. Help to reduce or prevent depression and improve your self-esteem.
  4. Prepare your body and mind for the demands of labor and birth.
  5. Assist in getting you back into shape after your baby is born.

 If you maintained a regular exercise routine before getting pregnant, you should be able to continue your normal activities within moderation, of course.  But, avoid attempting to do your exercises on your pre-pregnancy level and instead, do what's most comfortable for you to do, at this new stage.  The exercises and advice found in Erica Ziel's The Knocked-Up Fitness Guide to Pregnancy (2014) are a great first start to your customizing a workout to fit your specific tolerance levels during each trimester.  Ziel, a Master Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer, and mother to three children, created this step-by-step resource guide of over 130+ full color pages of 50 exercises, so that moms-to-be will be able to, "focus on some key physical elements, a strong deep core, good posture, and a strong back" so they will ultimately be filled with the, "confidence and energy you need to have the best pregnancy possible."
     The Knocked-Up Fitness Guide to Pregnancy is filled with photos, diagrams, "Q & A" sections, and lots of facts and statistics.   All of the exercises found in Ziel's precisely informative guide are designed to not only be gentle on your body and all of the many changes it is going through, but with careful attention being paid to conditioning and strengthening your growing belly, back and pelvis.  I have found that the beauty of all of the exercises found in The Knocked-Up Fitness Guide to Pregnancy are that they are flexible, providing you with the most ways to maximize your workout time, especially if time is restrained.
      For further information about prenatal fitness expert Erica Ziel, please visit her website at: or about The Knocked-Up Fitness Guide to Pregnancy, please visit

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